Ad Coordinates

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Advanced Targeting

Advanced Targeting

Target primarily Canadian users in select, hours, days, period, operating system etc.

Detailed statistics

Detailed Statistics

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Fair Value

Fair Value

Both advertisers and publishers receive the best value. It's our promise.






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Clicks 30 days

Traffic in the last 30 days


Ad Coordinates was created to help advertisers target customers geographically. Originally created with a focus on Canada, we now feature targeting in regions throughout the world. We specialize in english speaking website; however, we have begun testing niche market regions like French Quebec Canada.

Whether you were sent here by one of our partners or found us organically, our team at Ad Coordinates can help you with a range of marketing services. From Salesforce integration to web development, through our partnership network we can help. Contact us today with your goals.

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We are excited to partner with publishers around the world. We feature the ability to display text, image banner, and video based ads. If your platform can showcase these ad types, our customers are interested. Consider increasing your ad revenue by joining our network.

Our team is versed in a range of technologies to help you to get started and optimize your utilization of our ad platform. Reach out today to get started

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